The Tourism Sector in Uganda is one of the most relevant sectors of the country. However, unsustainable consumption and production in the sector is one of the responsible for land degradation, air and water pollution, resource depletion and the associated ecological and social challenges that characterize Uganda today.

The objective of ‘Greening the Tourism Sector in Uganda’ project is to boost the transformation of Uganda towards and inclusive green economy by enhancing the sustainability and competitiveness of a key sector for the country, as it is the Tourism Sector.

To attain this, the action aims at equipping MSMEs of the Tourist Accommodation Sector in Uganda to implement Best SCP Practices and Environmental Management System (EMS ISO 14001). At the same time, the action will foster sustainable consumption by consumer awareness raising campaigns and supporting MSEMs of the Tourism Sector on an ecolabelling scheme implementation.

The project consortium is formed by the Technological Centre GAIKER-IK4 (Coord.), Uganda Tourism Association (UTA) and Uganda Community Tourism Association (UCOTA).

With a budget of 951,317€ ‘Greening the Tourism Sector in Uganda’ project (2018-2021) is co-financed by the European Commission (Ref. EuropeAid/154589/DH/ACT/Multi SWITCH Africa Green), which contributes with a 90% of the total budget through the SWITCH Africa Green Programme. Switch Africa Green is implemented by UN Environment with the assistance of the European Union and its objective is to achieve sustainable development by engaging in transition towards an inclusive green economy.

  • Switch Africa Green
  • Project Ref.: EuropeAid/154589/DH/ACT/Multi SWITCH Africa Green
  • Date : 01/02/2018-31/01/2021
  • Total budget: 951,317€
  • EU Contribution: 856,182€
  • Beneficiaries: GAIKER-IK4 (ES) (Coord.), UTA (UG) and UCOTA (UG)